Custom heifers and direct-sale meat

Redetzkes build a farm around grazing and diversification

By Martha Hoffman Kerestes

Colby, Wisconsin — Flexibility and fluidity are the strategies of choice for Mike and Gina Redetzke as they pay off their farm and raise a young family. 

They started out planning to raise and finish Holstein steers, but when beef markets were down and a family member needed a place to raise replacement dairy heifers, the couple decided to pivot. 

“There were opportunities, and we took them,” Mike explains.

Soon, more dairy farmers came knocking, and custom raising heifers for a handful of confinement dairy farmers became the main farm income in addition to a growing direct market meat sideline.

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Starting a grass dairy in corn and hog country

Love of grazing led to launch of new venture

By Martha Hoffman Kerestes

Paullina, Iowa – Torray and Erin Wilson lost their organic route before they could even start dairying, but that didn’t stop them.

The couple persisted past many other bumps in the road, and today milk 120 organic, fall-seasonal cows in northwestern Iowa. The dairy fits well into the familyís farm system as a whole, and creativity has made it sustainable.

For decades the farm had been a 600-acre grain and 300-litter farrow-to-finish outdoor hog operation. It was fully certified organic in 2011.

The family decreased the hogs to 40 litters a year in 2002 and continued selling hogs to Niman Ranch. They did some ewe and cow/calf custom grazing, but were looking for a ruminant venture with higher profit potential and organic premiums. This venture was needed to utilize the forage produced in the organic crop rotation and possibly walk some grain off the farm, too.

That desire started the ball rolling toward dairy, even though it’s a major counter-cultural move to establish a new grazing dairy and seed pastures in a place surrounded by hog CAFOs, 5,000-cow dairies, and row crop ground selling for $14,000-$20,000/acre.

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A grassfed dairy dream come true

Hand on pasture

Bachmans making good progress on expensive land

By Martha Hoffman Kerestes

Rittman, Ohio — In this day when a lot of people have given up on the idea, Greg Bachman might offer inspiration to those who want to start dairy farming without access to a family farm or lots of money.

Greg didn’t grow up on a dairy farm. But early on he decided he wanted to dairy as he watched his grandfather and then his uncle milk cows on a small farm that was eventually certified organic.

He thought the barn door might be closed when his uncle retired and sold the property. Yet even without access to a family farm, and in the face of high-dollar land — prices are $15,000 to $20,000/acre these days in this populated area of Ohio — Greg didn’t give up on his dairy dream.

Four years of employment in the construction business confirmed to Greg that working for someone else wasn’t a good fit for his personality.

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Cutting back, but making more

Cows on pasture

de Jongs changed their lives with grassfed and branding their milk

By Martha Hoffman Kerestes

Slocomb, Alabama — Jan and Rinske de Jong did large-scale conventional dairy, and it didn’t go well. They’ve gladly traded it for their life today on a smaller certified organic grassfed herd milked once a day for the farm’s Working Cows Dairy brand.

Jan and Rinske bootstrapped their conventional dairy in southeastern Alabama, starting with just $5,000 in 1985 when they emigrated from The Netherlands.

By the turn of the century they’d grown to 750 confinement cows milked three times a day on 600 purchased acres. But the farm was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the constant workload was unsustainable.

It wasn’t working
Something needed to change. The de Jongs chose to go smaller and find a niche market for their production. Milking about 250 cows for Horizon Organic beginning in 2009, things looked better.

But Horizon terminated the contract two years later, saying there weren’t enough other organic dairies in the area to make it a viable route.

Jan and Rinske had three options: stop dairying, go back to conventional, or start bottling milk. The latter looked like the best choice.

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Making milk without the grain scoop

Grazing cows

Five cuttings, TMR, frequent paddock shifts work for Barkmans

By Martha Hoffman Kerestes

Fresno, Ohio — While it might seem surprising coming from a forage-only dairy farmer, Ervin Barkman finds winter the ideal time to make milk. Winter production peaks at 52 lbs./cow thanks to top-quality baleage, grassfed-adapted genetics, and lush fall grass when many fresh cows are getting started.

After a decade without the grain scoop and seven years of getting a premium for it on the CROPP/Organic Valley Grassmilk route, Ervin wouldn’t go back to feeding grain. Improved cow health and longevity along with better financials make grass-only dairy an easy choice for his situation.

Butterfat for the predominantly Fleckvieh herd runs around 4.2% (but has been up to 4.8%) and protein 3.2%. Total milk shipped comes to about 12,800 lbs./cow in about 295 days in milk.

The key to these numbers is excellent grazed and stored forage.

“It’s all about forage,” Ervin explains. “Dry matter intake is very important. If you have good forage and you keep it in front of the cows, there’s no reason you won’t have good dry matter intake. And the more dry matter intake you have, the more milk you’re getting.”

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Grazing, organics and high milk production

Grazing cows

Heckmans target quality forages, both grazed and harvested

By Martha Hoffman Kerestes

Yorkshire, Ohio — Thomas Heckman used to graze because he had to for the organic market. Now it’s part of the system that makes a 23,000-pound rolling herd average, sometimes without the need for a protein supplement.

Thomas and Jamie Heckman and their family milk 105 organic purebred Holstein cows and manage 340 acres. Sixty-five acres are in pasture for the dairy herd, 250 are for hay and row crops, and around 25 acres are for grazing young stock.

Top-quality forages
Thomas used to graze just enough to meet the organic grazing minimums, but with local land values at $20,000 to $25,000/acre, he’s started managing for more grazed dry matter to get the most out of each acre.

These days he feels he’s getting a good value, with 60% of dry matter intake coming from pasture from April through June and 40% for the rest of the grazing season, going as far as November when there’s enough pasture growth.

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