Creambrook Farm has navigated growing pains and successes
By Martha Hoffman Kerestes
Middlebrook, Virginia — Five years ago, Ben and Kristen Beichler (Graze February 2020) were milking 32 cows once a day for a slowly growing raw milk herdshare called Creambrook farm, serving 470 families weekly about three years into their business venture. Today there are 3,400 families a week getting milk from 120 cows milked twice daily.
They’d just hired their first part-time employee back then, and today there are 14 on payroll, mostly full time, including Ben and Kristen.
“Kristen and I were laughing thinking over what’s changed,” Ben says. “In the last five years we’ve probably lived more life than any other five-year span.”
The Covid-19 pandemic produced the first big bump in sales.
“Demand absolutely exploded overnight,” Ben says. “We had already planned 2020 to be a growth year with new cows and equipment investments, so we were in a position to take advantage when the first waves came in, but interest was so strong it quickly overran us in terms of production and capabilities.”
To see this article in full, order the specific back issue you are interested in. This article appeared in the December 2024 issue of Graze.